Any sexually active female could get pregnant, and it is important that all females have a thorough understanding of the contraceptive methods available to them. Any reliable
gynaecology clinic services can advise you on how to avoid unplanned pregnancies. Birth control methods do not affect your long-term fertility and are completely safe.
What Should I Think About When Choosing a Contraceptive Method?
gynaecology specialist in Singapore would be able to carefully guide you through the process of choosing the most suitable contraception option. Things to consider,
1. Biological and social factors
- Your age
- Your medical history
- Your cultural and social history
- How important is it for you to avoid getting pregnant?
2. Your reproductive status
- Whether you are sexually active
- Whether you are in a committed relationship or have a regular partner
- How often you have sex
- Whether you have any children or want to have any in the future
- Any previous contraception experiences
What Different Methods Are Available
Hormonal Methods
These methods use the two hormones, estrogen and progesterone, either individually or together, to stop ovulation, thicken the cervical mucus to make it more impenetrable for sperms, and thin the womb's lining so that implantation does not take place.
To be taken for 21 days with a seven-day break and then restarted or taken every day. A combination pill will contain both estrogen and progestogen and it is also available as a progestogen-only pill. Consult your gynaecology clinic services to know which pill is best suitable for you.
1ml of liquid injected into the deltoid muscle every 12-13 weeks. It slowly releases the hormone progestogen.
A sticky patch the size of a large stamp. Needs to be changed weekly for 3 weeks, followed by a 7-day break and then restarted. It contains both estrogen and progestogen
Subdermal Implantation:
A progesterone-only method. A matchstick-size rod is inserted under the skin of the upper forearm.The effectiveness of this will last for 3 years and must be removed at the end of 3 years.
Intrauterine system (IUS):
A small t-shaped device inserted into the uterus that slowly releases a small amount of the hormone progestogen into the womb. It will last up to 5 years and can be removed at any time.
Non-Hormonal Methods
Intrauterine device (IUD):
A small t-shaped device the size of a 50-cent coin that is inserted into the womb. It contains no hormones and is made with plastic surrounded by a small amount of copper. The copper stops sperm from reaching the egg and the device changes the womb lining so that implantation does not take place. It can last up to 5 years and can be removed anytime. Considered as one of the safest and most reliable methods of contraception, you will need to consult your health care professional or the nearest gynaecology clinic services to learn more about this method.
Permanent Methods
If you have already completed your family and no longer wish to have any more offspring, this is a good option. You could schedule a visit to your gynaecology clinic services to discuss the available options for you.
Female Sterilization:
A surgical procedure by which the fallopian tubes are permanently blocked, clipped or removed. The procedure prevents the egg and sperm from meeting. The menstrual cycles remain unaffected and this is non hormonal.
Male Sterilization:
The tubes that carry sperm from the testicles to the penis are blocked or sealed.
Other Methods
Male Condom:
It is a latex or plastic sheath-shaped barrier device that is put over the penis that prevents the sperm from meeting the egg. No medical consultation is required for this method.
Natural Family Planning:
It is a method that helps you decide the relatively safe times of the month to have sex without contraception with a reduced risk of pregnancy. This method would require you to pay attention to different fertility indicators (basal body temperature, cervical mucus, length of menses) to identify the fertile and infertile times during the menstrual cycle.
Emergency Contraception:
Emergency Contraception (EC) are drugs intended to disrupt or delay ovulation or fertilization. They should be taken as soon as possible after unprotected sex and within 5 days.
With so many contraception methods available, you could now contact an experienced gynaecology clinic services in Singapore before deciding which method would work best for you.